Sunday, January 31, 2010


Steps on to the podium,
Takes his bow.
In thin air, his baton draws,
Invisible patterns.

To the first swing,
A breeze plays,
Shivering the leaves.

A brisk move of his baton,
Waves catch up with
A grandeur note,
And then going silent

The prelude over,
Through adagios,
Allegros and allegrissimos
Symphony plays.

Rain comes down,
Playing solo,
To its receding tone,
Birds chirping.

Symphony mesmerizes,
Then as a fugue it plays
Notes of destruction.
Where everything comes to an end.

When silence plays,
Nothing is heard,
But men, silently weeping.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

everything and nothing

Between everything,
And nothing,
There lies,
A silver braid.

Near the horizon, fragile-
Like a crystal bird,
On a thread,
Everything hangs.

All it takes,
Is a sharp edge,
And everything will be lost,
Leaving us with nothing.

Monday, January 04, 2010


I keep staring
At its unending trance,

Of gold,
With red beads

Feeling the hug
Of a passion so warm;
Filling my soul
With a million thoughts.

I know it lingers,
Behind the golden face;
An appetite, insatiable.